About US

Akari Ueoka


  • 母国語:日本語

  • 18歳の頃より(2001年から)アメリカ在住

  • ハワイ大学を卒業 専攻:教育学

  • ハワイ州の教員免許取得

  • 2008年より、ハワイの小学校にて教師として勤める

  • 2014年にアカリ・トランスレーションズを起業

  • 様々な場で、翻訳者また通訳者として活躍

  • 子供から大人まで、幅広い年齢層を相手に、日本語と英語を教えている

  • 子ども達に一対一で算数や国語を指導

  • 海外グループ留学を希望される大学、またはスポーツチームなど団体様のための現地コーディネーターとして勤める

Akari Ueoka
Kukui Camp founder
Teacher, Translator/Interpreter, Short-Term Study Abroad Program Coordinator

  • Is a native Japanese speaker

  • Has spent her adulthood living in the U.S. since 2001.

  • Earned a Bachelor's in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education from the University of Hawaii

  • Has taught at public and private elementary schools as a full-time teacher in the U.S. since 2008

  • Has a teaching license

  • Started a business, Akari Translations, in 2014

  • Has professional experience in translation and interpretation work

  • Served many clients ranging from children to senior company executives teaching English and Japanese languages

  • Tutors children in various subjects, including reading, writing, math, science, and social studies

  • Has extensive experience as a Short-Term Study Abroad Program Coordinator




高校卒業後、恩師によりマウイ島へ誘われ、マウイ・ランゲージ・インスティチュートという語学学校に出会い、そこで英語の基礎を習得しました。その後英語力に磨きをかけるため、 マウイ・コミュニティ・カレッジに入学し、小さい頃から子供と接することがとても好きだったので、幼児教育を専攻しました。










Akari’s Bio

Akari Ueoka was born on a beautiful island called Shikoku (meaning four prefectures) in Japan. One of the four prefectures is Kochi (we use ‘prefecture’ instead of ‘state’ in Japan), which is famous for fishing and fresh vegetables. It faces the Pacific Ocean and surrounded by beautiful mountains. Akari spent her early childhood years there.

At age 7, her family moved to Tokyo for her father's business, and they lived there until she graduated from junior high school. Then, her family moved back to Kochi. It was a good opportunity for Akari to experience both city life and country life, which expanded her perspectives. She went to Kochi Nishi (West) High School and dedicated herself to different forms of dance: rhythmic gymnastics, jazz, and Yosakoi.

Akari came across with a wonderful language program, the Maui Language Institute (MLI). With her adamant will, she managed to build a solid English foundation before she moved on to Maui Community College (MCC). Being intrigued by her passion for children, she majored in early childhood education and worked at MLI as a student assistant for four years. There, she felt much satisfaction and fulfillment in caring for international students who came to study English just as she has done.

She then enrolled in the University of Hawaii at Manoa and pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and obtained a state of Hawaii teaching license. For two years, she worked at an alternative school called Roots School on Maui as the lead teacher in a 3 to 5-year old classroom. She developed the curriculum, and she was also on the Board of Directors. This gave her a unique understanding of how a school and/or business is run as well as solid experience as a teacher. Then she assumed a position as a second grade teacher at Haiku Elementary School and taught there for four years.

Akari has been doing translation and interpretation work for many years. Her career as a translator and interpreter started at the Maui Language Institute (MLI). She has translated various documents, including information and orientation packets, brochures, business cards, and marketing materials; and she has done interpretation work at a business meetings, school orientations, and counseling sessions. She created Akari Translations in 2014.

Combining her understanding of Japanese and English as languages along with her teaching experience, Akari has also been instructing private, semi-private, and group language lessons as well as tutoring sessions.

Akari has been always a lover of literature. She was an avid reader and writer as a young girl under the influence of her mother who read 30 books a month. She learned her strong work ethic from her father who passed on his sense of responsibility and diligence in his work. With her love for reading, writing, and human relationships, Akari takes great pleasure in being a bridge between languages, cultures, and people.

Akari wishes to be the light that shines the path and be the bridge that helps her students cross over to a brighter future.

Kukui Camp is operated as part of Akari Translations.

In her spare time, she enjoys dancing, writing, reading, and taking a long hot bath.

Hina Okabe
Assistant Instructor


1998年 ハワイ生まれ
1998年 日本へ移住
2005年 ハワイへ帰国
2017年 キング・ケイカウリケ高校卒業
2021年 国際基督教大学、アーツ・サイエンス学科卒業

2019年~ 英会話家庭教師
2020年~ オンライン英会話・日本語講師



Hina Okabe
Japanese & English Language Teacher

1998 Born in Hawaii
1998 Moved to Japan
2005 Moved back to Hawaii
2017 Graduated King Kekaulike High School
2021 Earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from International Christian University in Japan

Teaching Experience:
2019~ English Home Tutor in Japan
2020~ Online Japanese and English Instructor

Traveling, Dancing, Media Consumption

Ms. Hina has been an instructor at Akali Transitions for the past three years, teaching both English and Japanese language lessons. She has a great way with children and is popular with children and adults. After one lesson with Hina, everyone says, “I want to continue!" And many of her students have continued taking lessons with her for a long time.

Hula Dancer/Singer



また、彼女はKeaolani(ケアオラニ)というバンドのメンバーでもあり、そのバンド名は今は亡き伝説的存在であるKahauanu Lake(カハウアヌ・レイク)氏から頂いたものです。バンドの使命は、歴史あるハワイアンミュージックを後世に残すことです。TRIAはそのバンドのトップ・フラダンサーであり、Ocean Terrace Ka’anapali(オーシャン・テラス・カアナパリでは8年間主演ダンサーを務めました。

TRIAは、ハワイ文化への情熱をより一層深いものにしてくれた恩師たちに恵まれました。グラミー賞を4回授与されたGeorge Kahumoku Jr.(ジョージ・カフモク・ジュニア)氏、クムフラであるGordean Bailey(ゴーディーン・ベイリー)氏などがその例です。


Hula dancer/musician

TRIA has been studying hula and Hawaiian music for 17 years. She is a professional hula dancer and singer and has performed at ceremonies, workshops, and resort events throughout Maui.

She is also a member of the band Keaolani, which takes its name from the late legendary Kahauanu Lake. The band's mission is to preserve historic Hawaiian music for future generations. TRIA was one of the band's top hula dancers and was the lead dancer at Ocean Terrace Ka'anapali for eight years.

TRIA has been fortunate to have mentors who have deepened our passion for Hawaiian culture. These include four-time Grammy Award winner George Kahumoku Jr. and kumu hula Gordean Bailey.

TRIA's love of Hawaii is interspersed throughout her daily life, and she believes that the strength and grace she has developed through hula make her an excellent "dancer of life."

Yoga Teacher

マリア・アメリア・カマーゴ ヨガインストラクター マリアはブラジルで生まれ育ちました。19歳でひとり立ちをし、美しい土地を訪れ暮らしました。現在はマウイ島で、フレンチカリビアン人の夫と、愛しい息子と暮らしています。



Maria Amélia Camargo
Yoga Teacher

Maria was born and raised in Brazil. At 19, she spread her wings wide and lived in many beautiful places. She currently resides in Maui with her French Caribbean husband and their lovely son. 

She has been interested in various wellness modalities for over twenty years: yoga, bodywork, whole foods, and water, the most essential and vital element. She loves being surrounded by the big blue sea. Water is life. 

Maria has worked with clients on the Hawaiian Islands and St Barth (Caribbean ) for over a decade. She has been a devoted yoga practitioner since 2002 and a licensed massage therapist in Hawaii since 2012. She is committed to evolving and deepening her practice in various wellness modalities.