


  • 英語に興味を持ち始めました。

  • 地球儀をみるようになり、「マウイはどこ?アメリカは?日本は?」と視野が広くなりました。

  • 時々 「アイムハッピー、チン(顎)、ハロー」などなど 聞いたことのある単語を話しています。英語と外国人に慣れました。

  • 英単語をよく言うようになりました。

  • 英語を話す国の人々との距離が近くなったように思いますし、英語を学ぶことへの抵抗が減ったように見えます。


  • 英語を話したいという気持ちが強くなりました。

  • さらに具体的に英語学習に力が入ります。

  • あかりさんの人柄、またあかりさんの周りにいるみなさんの人柄に惹かれました。参加後ものの見方や子どもへの接し方が変わったような気がします。


  • たくさんの方々と出会えたこと。

  • 子どもたちの笑顔。

  • 人との関わり、交流が一番印象的でした。

  • 自然の恵みの中で、うちの娘がマウイの子やホストファミリーの子たちとコミュニケーションできていたこと。

Guardian Testimonials

  • K.J.様(保護者)






    — K.J.様 母親

  • Kimberly, Mother

    “My son was lucky enough to be placed in the learning ohana (which means family in Hawaiian language) of Akari during his second grade. I have never experienced such heartfelt genuine concern for students and their learning in my child's academic schooling as well as my own. My son not only liked going to school, but he LIKED LEARNING, too! He was excited to show me new things he was working on and new things he had learned. He strived to do a good job as he genuinely cared about her and wanted to make her proud. Furthermore, I have been inspired to be more involved with his academics partially due to her blog (that I'm pretty sure she did on her own time). I could see and read about everything my child was learning in school as she updated her blog almost every single weekday. On countless occasions, she stayed to tutor my child one-on-one during recess break which I'm sure was time she valued. On the last day of second grade, I asked him if he was excited for summer and his reply was not what I expected. Although I knew he was looking forward to a break and vacation, he was equally as sad that he wouldn't be in Ms. Akari's learning ohana anymore. She is a wonderful teacher and person.”

  • ケイト様(保護者)






  • Kate - Mother and Publisher & Editor in Chief of “The Mauimama”

    “Akari was truly a gift for my family.

    My very bright and sweet son did not like going to school.

    He would cry every morning and it was struggle to get him out of the door. He begged to be homeschooled until he had Miss Akari as his teacher in second grade.

    She turned his whole schooling experience around with her beautiful teaching approach. She masterfully and gracefully held space for the class and all her students helping them to thrive. She made her classroom a place where my son felt nurtured and seen, exploring the world and their role in it, in a calm environment. The difference it made for my son was truly amazing. Before he would come home stressed, taking on the weight of a stressed classroom. With Miss Akari he came home happy and looked forward to going back to school even after the weekend!

    I will be forever grateful that Akari came into my son's life as a mentor and a friend. It truly is a gift!”

  • アン様(保護者)




  • Ann, Mother

    “Akari was a teacher for my daughter when she was three years old. Akari is a devoted and responsible caregiver. She has steadfast attention to the physical and emotional needs of the children she is with. She has an amazing ability to bring peace to an emotionally charged child while facilitating a group. Akari is a committed role model for conflict resolution not only for the children in her care but also for all of the parents whose children she cares for. She is one of the most gifted childcare providers I have ever met as well as an inspiring asset to the community. I could sing the praises of Akari for pages, but will end here. I trust her completely as an educator and facilitator. I wish she would start a teacher-training program in the ‘Akari Ueoka Method.’”

    —Ann, Mother

  • マーク様(保護者)



  • Mark, Father and Owner of Maui Guidebook

    "As a parent watching Akari teach two of our children, I have been amazed and touched. I have four children who have collectively been in many different schools. I also come from a family of teachers, and have close friends who are teachers. I can quite honestly say that I have never witnessed a teacher more dedicated to her children as Akari. It is as if every child she teaches are her own, and she teaches with compassion, patience, understanding, and a pure and genuine respect for her students that is so special that it touches every parent who is fortunate enough to have her as their child’s teacher. The children also understand that Akari is special, and they truly love and respect her for her ability to connect with them on their level. Children grow and thrive under Akari in a way that, as a parent, that is truly such a joy to witness that words can never convey the value.”

  • メリッサ様(マウイ・タンブラーのオーナー)




  • Melissa - Mother and Founder & Owner of Maui Tumblers

    “Akari was able to create a structured learning environment where students felt safe and enjoyed coming to class. Akari always exuded patience, a positive attitude, and confidence. I believe she made every student believe in themselves and that they could accomplish anything in class. Akari’s work ethics were also unmatched. She was always punctual, professional, and open to suggestions. Because Maui Tumblers rents space from schools, we interact with school administrators, teachers and parents on a regular basis. It was of the utmost importance to respect the space, and schedule given to us by each school. Because of Akari’s strong work ethic, every parent, and school employee trusted her and had a positive relationship with her. She was a great asset to Maui Tumblers. Not only did the children learn from her, I think I learned how to be a better coach, too.”

  • リンダ様(保護者)




    We love you :)」

  • Linda, Mother

    “My first-grade son came to Akari for tutoring in reading and writing. After transferring from Waldorf School where writing and reading are taught later, he was behind the rest of the class at his new school. Akari has been pivotal in assisting my son in achieving his potential. Her tutoring has helped him not only to learn by leaps and bounds, but to also build his confidence. His teacher at school is amazed at his progress since the beginning of the year and was commenting on his great penmanship. That is thanks to Akari!Her style of teaching is perfectly balanced — respectful and nurturing. Drawing on her years of classroom teaching experience. She has an innate ability to see the child's individual nature and works with them. The result is a confident first grader that is excited about reading, writing and learning! We will definitely use Akari's services in the future or with different subjects if necessary. Thank you so much Akari!!! We love you :)”

  • マーサ様(大人の生徒)


  • Martha from USA

    “For the past two years I have been studying Japanese language privately with Akari. I feel fortunate to have met Akari as she is a skilled and dedicated teacher. Akari's efforts go beyond our weekly hour long lesson as she follows up with lists of vocabulary and grammar from our conversations (Akari sends them to each student with a recording after each lesson). Additionally Akari brings to the lesson a variety of methods and sources to keep the learning interesting. I feel that Akari truly cares about her students and their success. I would highly recommend her.”

    — Martha from USA

  • I.S.様(大人の生徒)




  • I.S. from France

    “Before I met Akari, I had several Japanese instructors or tutors with whom I never made real progress. I started studying with Akari five months ago and I already feel the difference.

    Beside the knowledge I got out of her lessons, I am more confident expressing myself in Japanese outside of her instructions. Her lessons are totally tailored to my level and needs, her patience has no limit, and her contribution to my lessons have exceeded my expectation (notes, extra-notes and recordings from each lesson, and homework corrected outside of lessons).

    She is a very dedicated teacher whose focus is in helping her students.

    I am very lucky I met Akari and highly recommend her as a teacher.”

  • K.B.様(大人の生徒 スイス出身)


  • K.B. from Switzerland

    “I took private English lessons with Akari 3 times a week for one month in April 2016. I was excited to work with Akari. Akari was always very prepared and worked with a lot of joy. She was always very flexible, and I could learn a lot from her. I would always book Akari. I wish Akari for success in the future.”

  • ヘレン様(保護者)


  • Helen, Mother of four children, from Germany

    “We are so glad we found Akari to teach our three children (7, 9, and 10 years old). We are moving to Japan, and Akari helped us so much by introducing language and culture to our kids. The boys enjoyed every single lesson and they are missing her way of teaching already. They will never forget her. Her lessons were always very well prepared and a lot of fun for the kids. We can highly recommend her.”

  • エリカ様(保護者)


  • Eleykaa Tully, Mother & Artist

    “My son is in 3rd grade and loved being in Akari-sensei's Japanese class. He shared with me how class was so much fun — he really enjoyed the variety of Japanese songs they learned and different games they played with the vocabulary words. He also loved learning how to write in hiragana and doing the practice writing sheets. Jai would come home excited to do the homework (and he usually doesn't like doing homework!) and jazzed to practice the new Japanese words and phrases he learned. This truly shows what a positive impact Akari-sensei and her class had on him.”